(Language: German, English on demand)
Next Sunday Practice (German):
10th January 8:00 - 9:00 am !
In English:
17th January 9:00 - 10:00 am (EST) / 3:00 - 4:00 pm
As the days are getting shorter and the nights longer, nature calls us to turn our awareness again more inwards.
Together we will bring our attention back to our Sadhana.
1 - 2 times a week we will practice together Antarang Kriyas & Mediatation lasting about 45 - 50 minutes.
Through breathing techniques, visualization and inner mantra this beautiful seated practice harmonizes us with each of the 5 elements and 7 chakras, leading us into silent meditation...
It is not only the perfect start into the day, it supports you to stay grounded, flexible, focused, empathic and connected to your true Self.
If you want to participate please register through email: saraswati@swakriyayoga.at
or leave a message via the contact form